Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Anti-War T-Shirts causing controversy in the United States

Custom t-shirts have recently been undergoing a lot of attack in the United States as more and more people are using their clothing as a mode of expressing their opinions and feelings concerning serious issues. T-shirts have become the new picket sign and are offering a peaceful answer to riots and other modes of verbal protest.

A number of cases have been popping up concerning American politics and custom t-shirts.

anti-war t-shirt design

Many Americans have been wearing anti-war t-shirts expressing their disdain for current American politics in reference specifically to the ongoing war in Iraq. Unlike their sixties generation counterparts, this generation of war protestors are sporting their opinions through their clothing. It seems a simple and peaceful mode of expressing one's opinions and yet a number of court cases have been filed against Americans wearing anti-war t-shirts. Apparently Freedom of Speech only goes so far.

Where should we draw the line? Is it okay to wear anti-war t-shirts if they are directly insulting anyone? What if they are?

anti-war t-shirt design

We laugh when we see someone wearing an anti-Bush t-shirt and yet we have problems with custom t-shirts demeaning the American war on Terror and those involved. This is probably because many Americans have friends and family members who are in Iraq fighting, or have recently returned. While most of us want to draw a line between solider and war, it does become difficult. I suppose the question then becomes, how can we express our frustration towards the war on Terror without demeaning the soldiers who are fighting to protect the rights of their citizens? What message should our custom t-shirts carry?

Being a Canadian, I find this issue one that hits very close to home. I want to be able to express myself without running the risk of being dragged into court for upsetting someone's rights. With Canadian soliders fighting overseas as well, it is difficult to know what to think about war and anti-war t-shirts.

What is your stance on sporting anti-war t-shirts?

Do you believe you should be allowed to wear whatever message you choose? Post your thoughts up here and we'll discuss this issue further.



Valley Girl said...

I think people should wear whatever they want, as long as its not spreading hate.

Anonymous said...

Actually, people should be able to wear what ever they want on a shirt because of freedom of expression. However, it'll be at their own risk of what others may think or do to them for wearing the shirt. For example, someone can wear a shirt with a racist comment, but they're is a good chance that someone of the other race will verbally assault the person with the racist shirt.

Speaking of anti-war shirts, my clothing line has an anti-war shirt that says "Make Money Not War". It makes a statement, but it's not really offensive.